Coming Up!

Second Thursday Online Photo group: 9/9, 10/14, 11/11/, 12/9
It's a photo group! We'll discuss photographing nature, people, objects, and at! Moreover, we'll share and critique our work. It will be held online on second Thursday afternoons (2:30-4:00 pm), so it will be easy to share our work. Free and open to all. If there's enough interest and the weather cooperates, I will add a low-cost (socially distanced) outdoor shooting session in October. Sponsored in part by the Plainfield Cultural Council and the Cummington Cultural Council.
Past Events

Digital Photography Your Way: November 13 and 20
Beef up your skills with a two session, four hour free online workshop in digital photography! Sessions will be focused on working with a digital camera and on editing and manipulating the files in software like Lightroom and Photos. Each class will end with an optional short critique session of participants’ work. Both classes will be held online on Friday Afternoons. Free and open to all. Bring your phone or camera (any kind) and its instructions for the first session. If there's enough interest and the weather cooperates, I will add a low-cost (socially distanced) outdoor shooting session on November 27. Sponsored in part by the Plainfield Cultural Council.

July 4 Reading Declaration of Independence and Frederick Douglass' 1852 Fourth of July Address
Douglass called slavery a "horrible reptile coiled up in your nation's bosom." When and how we will make ourselves free of it? In 2020, despite the coronavirus, there will be a reading at 10 am on July 4 in Plainfield, and there will be opportunity for discussion. Right now we're figuring out how to make it work. Please take the survey!

June 19 -- Finding and Interpreting mill sites in the landscape: Zooming the Field Mill in Leverett
Finding and Interpreting Mill Sites in the Landscape: Zooming the Field Mill. On August 7th, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, the Leverett Historical Commission will host a virtual visit to the Field Mill as part of its ongoing project “A SENSE OF WHERE YOU ARE – Conversations about Leverett’s historic industrial landscape and community.” Follow LHC members and historian Pleun Bouricius as they explore and learn to interpret the site and gain insights into the history of one of our many mill sites. The “visit” will be followed by discussion. Free and open to the public. Registration is required as this will be a Zoom event.

June 19 -- Finding and Interpreting mill sites in the landscape: Zooming the Field Mill in Leverett
Finding and Interpreting Mill Sites in the Landscape: Zooming the Field Mill. On June 19th, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, the Leverett Historical Commission will host a virtual visit to the Field Mill as part of its ongoing project “A SENSE OF WHERE YOU ARE – Conversations about Leverett’s historic industrial landscape and community.” Follow LHC members and historian Pleun Bouricius as they explore and learn to interpret the site and gain insights into the history of one of our many mill sites. The “visit” will be followed by discussion. Free and open to the public. Registration is required as this will be a Zoom event.

Making History: an introduction to using digital photography and images
Learn more about using your phone and/or digital camera to get good images for your album! Get the hang of storing your family photos digitally -- including scanning. Learn enough photo-tech to make and maybe print a digital family album that your kids or grand kids are interested in!
Join me for one, two, or all three introductory workshops!
- Tuesday February 19, 2019, 2:30 –4:30 pm: Getting the photos you want -- into and out of your camera
- Tuesday February 26, 2019, 2:30 –4:30 pm: Scanning and storing your printed photos (e.g family photo albums)
- Tuesday March 5, 2019, 2:30 –4:30 pm: Working with digital images: editing, telling a story with photos, making an album online
Free and open to the public. Please register and tell me what camera you are bringing.
All workshops at Shaw Memorial Library, Main Street (Route 116), Plainfield.
From a participant: "I took Pleun's class on photography and learned how to really take advantage of all the camera has to offer to get really great pictures. You'll be amazed at what you and your camera can really do!"
If you wish to host a more in-depth class or have a personal tutorial, see PHOTOGRAPHY AND HISTORY WORKSHOPS
Tuesday February 19, 2019, 2:30 –4:30 pm: Getting the photos you want -- into and out of your camera
It's supposed to be automatic and simple but it still has a lot of buttons and functions. Which do you need and which can you ignore? Learn easy tools to manage you automatic digital or phone camera. Find out how to get images out of your camera into your computer where you want them. We’ll talk about about cameras and photographs, and we’ll practice controlling what it does automatically just enough to make your images pop. Bring your camera, any camera (or phone). Bring your questions about photography. If you have specific questions about your camera, bring its instructions.
February 26 -- Scanning and Storing your Photographs (2:30-4:30 pm)
Do you want to store your family photos digitally but need some hints to start scanning? Have had scans or photographs turn out disappointingly grainy or pixellated? Should you store your files in the cloud, whatever that is? It's a jungle of come-ons and byzantine information out there. I'll explain the alphabet soup of file formats and how to get the right resolution for quality scans. Then we'll practice scanning. Bring 1-5 printed pics and a thumb drive or email address so you can take your scans home!
At Shaw Memorial Library, Main Street( Route 116), Plainfield. Free and open to the public. Please register so I have a sense of how many are coming!
March 5, 2019 -- Working with images: editing, telling a story, and making an online album (2:30-4:30 pm)
Don’t let your family history get away! We all shoot post, and share images by email and on social media. But what stays until 10 years from now? How can we preserve our photos so that future generations may understand who we were?
There are many options out there. This workshop will give you some tools, not only for making choices among them, but also enough understanding of how to work with images so you can decide whether to go your own route or go commercial, whether to print or not. We’ll practice editing and discuss making a digital family album that your kids or grand kids will remain interested in.
At Shaw Memorial Library, Main Street( Route 116), Plainfield. Free and open to the public. Please register and tell me what camera you are bringing!
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Plainfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
Making History: and introduction to digital photography and images
Want to learn more about how to use your phone and/or digital camera to get good images for your album? Store your family photos digitally but need some hints to start scanning? Make and maybe print a digital family album that your kids or grand kids are interested in?
Join me for one, two, or all three introductory workshops!
- Saturday June 2 9:30 –11:30 am: Intro to digital photography: Getting the photos you want -- into and out of your camera **
- Tuesday June 12 5:30–7:30 Scanning and storing your printed photos (e.g family photo albums)
- Tuesday June 19 5:30–7:30 Making a family history album: working with digital images
For more in-depth classes, see PHOTOGRAPHY AND HISTORY WORKSHOPS
June 19 -- Working with images and making an album (5:30-7:30 pm)
Don’t let your family history get away! We all shoot post, and share images by email and on social media. But what stays until 10 years from now? How can we preserve our photos so that future generations may understand who we were?
There are many options out there. This workshop will give you some tools, not only for making choices among them, but also enough understanding of how to work with images so you can decide whether to go your own route or go commercial, whether to print or not. We’ll also discuss making a digital family album that your kids or grand kids will remain interested in.
These are free and open to the public. You don't have to register. However, I am happy to hear it in advance if you're planning on attending.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Plainfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
June 12 -- Scanning and Storing your Photographs (5:30-7:30 pm)
Do you want to store your family photos digitally but need some hints to start scanning? Have had scans or photographs turn out disappointingly grainy or pixellated? Should you store your files in the cloud, whatever that is? It's a jungle of come-ons and byzantine information out there. I'll explain the alphabet soup of file formats and how to get the right resolution for quality scans. Then we'll practice scanning. Bring some pics and a thumb drive or email address so you can take your scans home!
These are free and open to the public. You don't have to register. However, I am happy to hear it in advance if you're planning on attending.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Plainfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
1: Getting the photos you want
How do I work the digital camera? How do I get the images onto my computer? How can I use my phone camera to its greatest advantage? We’ll talk about about cameras and photographs, and we’ll practice, outside if possible. Bring your camera, any camera (or phone). Bring your questions about photography. If you have specific questions about your camera, bring its instructions.
Dress appropriately. If the weather’s decent, be ready to walk on uneven but not-too challenging terrain.
These are free and open to the public. You don't have to register. However, I am happy to hear it in advance if you're planning on attending.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Plainfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.